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Official web site of Project Coordination Unit, the Institute that is managing the whole bidding process related to the Old Bridge and surroundings. 

"PCU is a specialized agency whose responsibilities are performing professional and other jobs for coordination of the project of the building of the Old Bridge and other structures within Pilot Cultural Heritage Projects of Bosnia and Herzegovina."



Official web site of UNESCO that has followed all the Technical Meetings and all the steps of the project discussing each theoretical issues. www.unesco.org




Official web site of the World Bank that has managed the funds for the reconstruction of the Bridge, and that has performed economical and technical controls trought its consultants. www.worldbank.org


Official web site of the Company that was in charge for the laboratory tests over materials, and that has studied, planned and tested anything concerning with the ancient and new materials of the Old Bridge. www.lga.de


Official web site of the Company that was in charge for the geognostic investigations and that has worked out the design to protect the site from erosion phenomena. www.conex.ba
Official web site of the Company that is in charge for the reconstruction works of the Old Bridge in Mostar and of all the provvisional works including scaffolding and centering. www.erbu.co.ba


Official web site of COB NET that is providing daily images of the works and is sharing them all on the web. www.starimost.ba


Official web site of Telecom BH that is providing webcams service working 24 hours a day to allow constant filming of the yard available on the web. www.starimost.telecom.ba


The widest web site about Mostar that you can find on the web by my dear friend Jhon Kozlich. Warning: it takes several days to visit it all. http://w3.tyenet.com/kozlich/index.htm


A web site about Mostar provided by Manfredo Romeo and Bernardo Rossi for General Engineering. Will be updated by a new one soon. It is mostly about http://utenti.lycos.it/mostar/


Official web site of Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe - there is reported a wide explanationof the economical plan provided for the Old Bridge of Mostar. www.seerecon.org/Calendar/2000/Events/oldbridge.htm


Official web site of the City of Mostar - english version -  www.mostar.ba/en/mostovi.html


An interesting list of cultural contributes and links about Bosnia-Herzegovina www.kakarigi.net/manu/moreinf.htm



The file of the Old Bridge in Mostar taken by the Structurae data base. www.structurae.de/en/structures/data/str00259.php



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