6.4.3 PH 03
- Dismantling works - B
- Dismantling of the upper portions of the
remaining parts of the bridge.
- Dismantling of the middle portions of
the abutment fill.
- Strengthening of the ground, adjacent to
the dismantling area, by grouting.
- Protecting from ground collapsing with
sheet piles.
- Provisional works for protecting the
abutments walls margins with tie rods and tension bars.
- Dashed lines represent smaller
dismantling configurations to be performed if possible.
6.4. 4
PH 04 - Dismantling works - C
- Dismantling of the upper portions of the
remaining parts of the bridge.
- Dismantling of the lower portions of the
abutment fill (near to the springer level).
- Strengthening of the ground, adjacent to
the dismantling area, by grouting.
- Protecting from ground collapsing with
sheet piles.
- Provisional works for protecting the
abutments walls margins with tie rods and tension bars.
- Starting voussoirs may be left on site
after ultrasound check.
- Hatched area is supposed to be already
strengthened and matured.
- Dashed lines represent smaller
dismantling configurations to be performed if possible.