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6.4 Bridge construction phases: graphic schemes

Bridge construction phases, explained in next sub-paragraphs, have been developed following the indications coming from the structural design team and therefore in co-ordination with Prof. Eng. Andrea Vignoli and Eng. Maurizio Orlando – Department of Civil Engineer – University of Florence.

Construction phases drawings are a sequence of schemes which are aimed at focusing important details concerning the proceeding of the works. Being the drawings represented as schemes they can not be taken as detailed drawings but as sketches of the most relevant aspect that is underlined.

Main foreseen stages are eighteen and have been represented either with a front view (or longitudinal section), either with a plan view or section. Transversal sections are sometimes added. Same sketches are, in a larger dimension, in the final design drawings (PH-01 and PH-02); additional axonometric views have been inserted in drawing PH-03.

Main construction phases 
phase 02 phase 04
phase 05 phase 07
phase 10 phase 12
phase 14 phase 15


Intellectual property of this report and of the design drawings is owned by General Engineering s.r.l.

author of the text: arch. Manfredo Romeo – other contributes have been mentioned in related paragraphs

© - General Engineering Workgroup -


Final Design Report

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