6.3 Global
construction phases: flow chart
Flow chart of global
construction phases should be considered as a proposal for work
organisation which will be co-ordinated by the PCU-TA and responsibility
of it is not up to General Engineering; this also because most of the
works that are included in the global flow chart are not designed by
General Engineering and no constraints should be put in their mutual
In order to optimise and compress the
global duration of the works it would be of great use to split them in two
main categories: on site works and off site (out-yard) works; this also
because there are many preparation works for the construction materials
that should be performed before the real construction of the bridge

fig.01 – Works may be
split in two groups that may proceed at the same time
On the site, all the
foundation strengthening works may be started. Nothing will be, here in
this report, specified concerning the foundations works since the design
has been performed by CONEX Company and no interference should be caused.
Here next it has been only reported a small symbolical flow chart which
resumes most important foreseen interventions. Works on the foundations
are mainly aimed at: strengthening, preserving from erosion and
guaranteeing the durability.
During this phase also foundations for the
centering will be provided, in order that the centering may be correctly
fixed on a safety and stable support.

fig.02 – On site works
concerning the foundations
While the foundation
strengthening are proceeding on site, other works may be started off site.
These preparation works may be subdivided in three main categories:
- stone cut
- load bearing centering design and
- wooden deck for the intrados bridge
Just before bridge construction all the
prepared material may be transported on site. Current flow charts are
quite simplified and should be taken only as a reference for the final
planning of the yard.

fig.03 – Off site works
concerning stone cut, wooden decks and load bearing centering
For what concern bridge
construction phases refer to next paragraphs; while after bridge
completion following works may be performed:
- abutment walls finalising
- surrounding areas settling
- yard dismantling

fig.04 – Final works to
be performed after bridge completion