The architectural main
works held during the PHASE A of the assignment may be subdivided in
groups as follow:
- photogrammetry elaboration
- direct survey
- photogrammetry of the current condition
- photogrammetry of the previous condition
- geometrical analysis
- analysis of: ancient and current
surveys, documents, photogrammetry results
- numerical management of the analysis and
of the results
- graphic representation of the analysis
and of the results
Photogrammetry elaboration
have been an important and preliminary step for the representation of all
the involved elevations. A survey of the ruined portions of the bridge and
of the abutments is a base for any future design proposal, and this survey
has been held documenting all the elevations stone by stone. Performing
this step, either on the current situation, either on the previous one,
has allowed important comparing results that have helped strongly the
geometrical analysis: in fact, to work out the reliability and the
accuracy of a survey, one of the test was to compare measures with the
direct survey dimensions.
Geometrical analysis has
been another important step towards the design phase: the documentation of
the Old Bridge of Mostar was critical and there were different and
contrasting data that didn’t allow an easy determination of what was the
monument like.
The most important data
sources, for geometry determination of the arch of the bridge, were the
drawings of the ancient surveys. These drawings are important documents
and they gave the possibility of working out the previous shape of the
bridge stone by stone.
It is self evident that
these technical drawings of the bridge have been verified to check how
much precise they were; for this reason many different tests have been
performed looking for eventual differences and incoherences. What has
appeared to a first examination of the drawings, is that parameters like
quality, condition and copy passages were very much affected by
heterogeneity; this means that we did not have the same level of
reliability for each view of the same survey, and this of course has led
to more complex evaluation systems.
Everything produced during
this work phase has been basically managed in a numeric way, and the
results have been set either in a numeric layout connected with automatic
recalculation system (in case of changes during the elaboration), either
in a graphic layout that is in a CAD digital system, (and therefore has
been produced numerically as well, and may be printed in any scale with
high level of accuracy).
The way it has been studied
the bridge geometry was not deterministic: at the present moment the vault
of the bridge doesn't exist anymore, and it is not possible to survey it
with a predefined tolerance, it has only been possible to gathered the
original shape from a mediation of the different data sources we now have;
this was not an easy step since the differences from the sources had to be
considered one by one and analysed so that to locate which was the source
that gave a wrong metric information. This procedure had to be followed
for both sides of the bridge, and these two curvatures were related so
that to locate any deformity in the thickness of the bridge itself.
So the methodology or
theory followed for this task is a "probabilistic strategy for
geometry determination" and may be resumed as "the seek for the
most likely bridge", which is reliable, scientific and has given
important results compared to the existing data.
The most delicate phase of
the whole operation has been the determination of a criteria for
evaluating data and their reliability. Even if it can be found an accurate
description of the matter in the following paragraphs of this chapter
(from §5.4 to §5.8), it may be briefly summarised the main principles
Since we didn't have so
many different sources (1955 and 1982 surveys) for every single data to
work with statistic methods, it has been given difference importance and
weight to the surveys. The 1955 survey, as long as we know, looks like a
traditional survey with little or no use of special measure instruments.
This may be confirmed by the type of dimensions that have been taken and
by the way they have been graphically represented. For the above reason,
measures reported in the 1955 survey may be reliable mostly for what
concerns local dimensions, short distances, and easy-to take dimensions.
There are, of course, exceptions to this statement that have been
verified: like the arch span which was dimensioned perfectly despite it
were a long distance (but it was an easy-to take measure). Dimensions,
like the ones of the X and Y co-ordinates of the intrados line, being the
most difficult to survey and being at the same time quite long distances,
are mostly uncertain. While local dimensions of every single stone are
much more reliable.
The 1982 survey seems to be
a more reliable survey, since it has been held with purpose built
instruments, and with the photogrammetric technique. Nevertheless, from
special inquiries held, it seems that the shoots taken for the task were
not so close to the monument (this also for technical requirements) and
this may have brought to a difficult interpretation of details like the
stone layout of the elevations being the natural colour of the stones also
very much light.
For the above reasons any
difference found has been analysed in terms of type of measure and source
data: before any change could take place it has been verified that there
weren't any incoherences in the adopted survey for that dimension. The
above mentioned procedure has led to work out the "most likely Bridge
of Mostar", which has been called "2000 survey".
The exposition of the phase
A work was already started in the Inception Report (see chapter 2), and
here next is developed and enlarged with the most recent developments.
5.1 Direct
The on site survey has been
held with instrumental systems: digital total station (electronic
theodolite) and laser measuring kit. Measures have been taken all over the
ruined portions and all over the elevations involved in the present
assignment. The origin of the system has been set on a local reference
point to allow any future development and integration of the work, and
data has been put in cad system in 3d co-ordinates: this file has been the
first one that has been classified as a source file, and with this some
other files have been generated (like the one of the bridge springers in
The 3d direct survey has
allowed the generation of a series of source files that have the same
origin point, and that may be all loaded one over the other allowing any
future study on the bridge and on the surroundings. The three dimensional
elaboration and design control is a special processing that has been
started to put the basis of the design and to manage the complex geometry
of all the points, the stones and the cornices of the bridge.
The direct survey has
allowed a detailed measuring of the remaining portions of the bridge arch
and of its stones; moreover control points have been taken suitably to
foreseen photogrammetric and stereometric processing.
During the on site survey
it was held the photographic documentation campaign that was co-ordinated
with the control points survey.
Photogrammetry of the current condition
Photogrammetry of the
current condition has been performed basically in two dimensions, as
required by the ToR, each elevation has been reduced to a plan and has
been represented in an orthogonal projection.
The basic input data for
the photogrammetric elaboration were: control points taken on the
elevations and suitable pictures of them (taken from a good point of view
and with special cameras). The photographs, after been developed, were
scanned and converted in a digital format in a computer system for final
rectification processing. For this final task it has used a purpose built
software package produced by Siscam - Galileo Siscam Technology - for
photogrammetric surveys of historical buildings; it is named ARCHIS 32.
This software package allows to transform a perspective view (photograph)
in an orthogonal view through a rectification procedure using control
points. Rectified images can be joined one to the other to create a single
one mosaic. The final image is metrically correct, so that it is possible
to use it for measurements of all details that appears on the photo.
To perform the above
described processing it was necessary, first of all, to convert the
co-ordinate system of the control points trough a rotation and translation
of the reference axis on a new vertical plan chosen as "best
fit" of the points belonging to one elevation at the time; this has
been done in CAD and has given, as final results, control points referred
to the related plan, as if they were taken in two dimensions.
Subsequently the processed
images have been imported in a CAD file, they have been scaled, and they
have been vectorialised (digital drawing in overlay). Drawings have been
performed reproducing every single visible detail stone by stone, moreover
drawings have been organised with different layers so that to allow any
future elaboration or tematics.
Checks have been performed
in order to correct any eventual incoherence among different but adjacent
plans; and a refining work has been done in order to obtain a correct and
understandable architectonic representation of the ruined portions of the
Drawings have been divided
in two categories: towers-buildings and west-east abutments; for more
details on the subject refer to chapter 10 of this report (§10.1.1).
Some application of three
dimensional photogrammetry have been performed in addition to the foreseen
duties of the ToR this because some controls were necessary to investigate
the 3d co-ordinates of the ruins of the bridge, and some additional
dimensions and checks nearby the springers of the bridge.
Moreover for what concern
the survey round elevations profiles of the Towers, it has been necessary
to use 3d photogrammetry devices to gather a correct representation of the
masonry layout, even if this methodology was absolutely not foreseen by GE’s
assignment: while, in the preliminary drawings, (phase A of the
assignment), the towers have been represented trough the architectural
main outer lines, in the finalisation of this section of the survey,
(phase B – final drawings), additional detailed surveys of the elevation
surfaces have been provided.
The above mentioned 3d
photogrammetry process requires double photographic shots, (stereo pairs),
and a predefined number of reference points that should be clearly visible
on both the shots taken. Aforesaid pictures, taken with purposely built
cameras, have been inserted in a soft copy workstation that, with the aid
of special visualisation device, allows the 3d digitalisation of a
stereo-model of the architectural object included in the shots. For this
final task it has been used a purposely built software package produced by
Siscam - Galileo Siscam Technology - for photogrammetric surveys of
historical buildings; it is named STEREOMETRIC-PRO.
To perform the above
described processing it was necessary, first of all, to convert the
co-ordinate system of the control points trough a rotation and translation
of the reference axis on a new 3d co-ordinates system suitable for each
representation view. The 3d digital drawing is, while work is ongoing,
related to a portion of the involved architectural object (elevation); at
the end of the procedure, when all the different stereo-pairs have been
digitised, all vectorial data files are imported in a single CAD file,
being the co-ordinate systems coherent to the original reference survey
Final stage of the work
foresees the selection of the representation plans, (according to
assignment requests), on which all the data are projected in a planar
representation. To have the final layout, matching all the commonly known
architectural representation requirements, the digital drawings are
finalised gaining the requested views.
Photogrammetry of the previous condition
Following the same method
exposed in the above paragraph, photogrammetric applications have been
performed also for the previous condition, but instead of using purpose
taken pictures, have been used ancient ones. This of course has generated
technical and accuracy problems and moreover has brought to the research
of reference points that could be easily visible on the ancient pictures
and, at the same time, could still be recognisable on the ruined portions
of the Old Bridge. Sometimes it has been necessary the use of
stereo-photogrammetry elaboration to gather from the surveys other control
points more suitable for the specified elaboration. Control points had to
be rotated and translated following the procedure described in the above
Special attention has been
put on the bridge elevations because the processing could bring to
interesting data to be compared with other sources like the ancient
drawings. Unlikely the available ancient pictures were of a very low
quality and the ones, in which the elevations were taken in one shot, were
not detailed enough to document the stone joints and connections.
But, among the ancient
pictures, there were some in which, even if it was not possible to gather
information about the arch curvature, it was clearly readable the stones
layout of the spandrels with all the joints. Those pictures after being
processed have been compared with the ancient surveys, and they have
denounced some inaccuracies in the 1982 survey of the spandrels.
Photogrammetric elaboration
of ancient pictures is, anyhow, an interesting and useful work method for
cases of this type, it allows metric evaluation and verifies on structures
and buildings that do not exist anymore. But for this task a wide and high
quality photo documentation is required, otherwise there is no use for the
studies and researches. Nevertheless General Engineering has proceeded in
processing all the available ancient pictures that could give even a small
contribute to the reconstruction design of the Monumental Complex of the
Old Bridge of Mostar. For more details on the subject it may be referred
to chapter 4 of this report where drawings are exposed and commented.