4.4 Adaptation between
ancient abutments and new arch stones
The issue concerning the
adaptation between ancient and new arch stones, explained in next
sub-paragraphs, has been developed following the indications coming from
the structural design team and therefore in co-ordination with Prof. Eng.
Andrea Vignoli and Eng. Maurizio Orlando – Department of Civil Engineer
– University of Florence.
Even if the bridge has been
almost totally destroyed, some portions of it, next to the springers, are
still on site: in the west side these remnants are quite small and not so
much ruined, in the east side there are wider portions but with more war
damages (especially in the north elevation).
Being these ruined portions
part of the original ancient bridge of Mostar, they are very precious and
they still represent with the abutments and the recovered stones the
historical ruins of the monument. Any intervention on these elements
should be carefully analysed to avoid any other damage to the structure.
Willing to build a
"new old bridge", the most desirable option would be of keeping
these portions intact on site and with no changing and no dismantling,
starting therefore the new structure from the ancient stones. But for
technical and structural reasons this doesn’t seem to be completely
possible and a compromise has been necessary.
What it has to be stressed
is that, even in the hypothesis that we would not build any bridge on the
spot, (following the most conservative position of preserving the current
condition of the abutments), an intervention of partial dismantling and of
repair would be necessary because right now the east portion cantilevers
in an unstable condition, and both sides are not protected by water
The construction of the
"new old bridge" in the spot raises delicate issues concerning
these remaining portions because restoration requirements do not match the
demand for structural security. The analysed technical impediments and
limits are the following:
- ruined and cracked masonry should not
bear the loads of a new structure and may not be left on site;
- unforeseeable behaviour of the two
structures (old portion and new arch) that may crack at the connection
point and that may be not easily modelled in a finite element
- unknown condition of the ruined
portions: stone resistance, internal fractures and metal stuff (like
cramps and dowels) conservation.
Classification of the involved stones
For a better understanding
of the issue, we may first refer to the classification of §4.3.5 that is
here next repeated for what concern the category under evaluation. The
classification allows a better definition of the different interventions
that should be performed on the structure and that are worked out
depending on the subcategory of each stone or bridge element.
The stones are mainly split
in load bearing arch stones (that have special strength requirements),
other bridge worked-stones, fill and flooring. These have been then
subdivided in two parts evaluating only if the stones are clearly broken
or not: this of course doesn’t mean that the stones that look intact are
not cracked in the interior portions; for the above reason this has to be
considered a preliminary step towards detailed laboratory tests. The
classification is here next reported:
- BS: remaining portions of the bridge,
still on site, next to the abutments (built stones)
- BS-A: load bearing arch voussoirs
- BS-A1: intact stones
- BS-A2: broken stones
- BS-B: other bridge elements
- BS-B1: intact stones
- BS-B2: broken stones
- BS-C: bridge fill and stiffening rib
- BS-D: pedestrian flooring

fig.02 – Built Stone (BS)
classification - schematic drawing
Proposed intervention: general introduction
As it has just mentioned,
it is not possible to start the construction of a "new Old
Bridge" directly from the former bridge remnants for structural and
technical reasons. The scarce quality of the ruined portions and the
damaged connections wouldn’t guarantee the necessary safety and security
to the new structure. In other words it is strongly recommended not to
load the current cantilevering portions of the bridge, (as they are now),
in order to avoid dangerous cracks, fractures, and even a collapse.
Masonry in fact, after the destruction of the arch, has released and may
not work again has before without performing any intervention; moreover no
repair seems to be possible on the load bearing arch leaving on site all
the elements that are insisting over it.
What it seems to a first
analysis, (that has to be confirmed anyhow by on-site tests while works
are ongoing), is that a part of these elements will be dismantled to allow
all the necessary repair works, but the conclusions on this subject may
not be worked out at this final design stage because many investigation
results are needed and it may be also necessary to begin the works to
understand exactly the amount and the limits of this peculiar step.
The above issue is one of
the most important in this project, involving at the same time either
structural matters, either conceptual and restoration requirements, and
for this reason a detailed analysis of all the different stones has been
carried out to perform the best intervention on each case.
Proposed intervention: detailed specifications
code: BS-A2 and BS_B2
For what concern all the
elements that are not anymore intact, that are ruined or cracked due to
the shootings, and that are in an unstable position (not anymore linked to
the masonry structure or cantilevering), it seems most likely that they
should be removed. The reuse of these elements is for structural reason
improbable. The final destination of these fractured portions may be the
settling for exposition in a purpose built museum.
code: BS-B1 and BS-D
Bridge elements that are
still intact and that are not supposed to bear the loads of the arch
thrust, (like spandrel portions, cornices, parapets and flooring), being
still on site in the original location may be first carefully surveyed and
numbered. As it has been underlined, the position of these elements (which
are over the load bearing arch) do not allow any intervention on the
underneath portions, and for this reason we are compelled to dismantle
them with an accurate classification in order to perform a reassembling
work during the construction phases. Reassembling should be performed
trough the anastilosis technique: following the original positioning of
each element after a quality control of the level of conservation; some of
them may be restored with accuracy in the case that only the surface is
ruined (restoring methodology is explained in chapter 3 of this report).
Most of the examined stones of this type are located next to the east
abutment, and the ones that are in a better condition are on the south
elevation, while on the north elevation it seems that many of them have
been harshly stricken. Before the proposed intervention may take place it
should be analysed how and if it is possible to easily dismantle this type
of stones with no damages, and it has to be investigated a technique to
take off any eventual metal cramps without cutting or bending them.
code: BS-C
Bridge fill, being one of
the element which is over the arch load bearing vault, has to be removed
to allow the repair intervention on the lower structural portions. The
fill of the bridge is not as precious as the other stone bridge elements,
since it is not an hand-worked portion; nevertheless it is suggested to
perform inquiries on it, to know its composition and the percentage of the
single components and the average weight. The reuse of the fill may be not
performed being its quantity very low, its composition heterogeneous and
limited to small areas next to the springers (the bridge section is, in
fact, purposely characterised by wide voids). For what concern the
stiffening ribs, (masonry structures that are over the axis of the vault
and that determine the lightening voids), it can be repeated the same of
the above, even if, this stiffening rib needs a detail observation because
it has to be inquired why a structural element like that has such an
incoherent composition. What it can be anticipated, (from calculations -
by Prof. Eng. Vignoli), is that this stiffening rib will have, in the
rehabilitated bridge, an important structural function and therefore it
will be composed of good quality and well assembled masonry.
code: BS-A1
The intervention on load
bearing voussoirs that look intact may be not easily determined and this
leads to many unsolved matters concerning the issue of the adaptation
although here two different approaches will be proposed.
proposal n°1: The first proposal is to leave these stones on site
and to start the new arch directly over them, in detail we should point
out what follows:
- Not all the stones of the group would be
left on-site, since if any intact stone is located next or over a
ruined one, it will not be possible to take off the damaged one
leaving on site the good one.
- The springer level arch stones are load
bearing stones and they should be checked with special investigations
and diagnostic techniques to guarantee their structural resistance and
their integrity.
- Metal stuff like cramps and dowels
should be verified making sure they are not ruined or rusted.
- It should be verified that leaving these
stones on site there will not be any impediment to the abutments
repairs that CONEX company has designed.
- All the necessary data for the F.E.
structural model of this group of stones have to be investigated.
- This group of stones even if in the
final structural configuration are not very much loaded, they are
loaded during the bridge construction (as represented in the following
picture) when the arch bridge has been erected and when no other load
is over.

fig.03 – arch structure
with its thrust line compared to the bridge structure
The main advantages of this
proposal is that, leaving these stones on site, it will be possible to
limit as much as possible the interventions on the remnants of the Old
Bridge respecting the ancient structure; moreover keeping on site that
stones would lead to limit the excavation works at the springer level and
of all the ground that is over (see next paragraph). On the other side
this proposal leads to more delicate evaluations about the structural
matter that should be carefully considered to avoid any future risk or
For a better understanding
of this proposal it has been worked out a sketch (see following figure) in
which are drawn directly on to pictures the preliminary limit lines of the
intervention: the stones below the lines that are marked as "I"
may be the ones that are most likely to be left on site if all the
mentioned conditions are verified; while stones which are located between
the limit lines marked as "I" and "II" are the ones
that even if they look almost sane may be not left because are interposed
among other damaged ones and because they are located in a position that
also in the final bridge configuration is heavily loaded.

fig.04 – First proposal
for the BS-A1 stones: limit lines of intervention
As it is clearly visible,
in the picture of the east abutment - north side, all the stones are very
much ruined on their surface and harshly stricken by shootings, even next
to the springer. For this reason the limit line marked as "I"
may have to be lowered in that area until the arch springer. In final
design drawings another integrity limit line has been hypothesised based
on the results of the ultrasound checks performed by CONEX company (see
drawings DS-02 and DS-03).
proposal n°2: The second proposal is to be adopted only in the
case that the first one may be not performed because of technical
impediments and of structural risk. If these stones have not the
resistance requirements to be left on side, they should be dismantled and
not replaced. Their final destination may be with the recovered stones:
the museum of the Old Bridge. In this case all the arch stones should be
removed until the springer level is reached.
This proposal requires to
be carefully evaluated because it represents the only step of the design
in which an irreversible work on ancient stones is carried out, (it is the
only one if other design steps are correctly performed). Partial
dismantling works on these remnants should be performed anyhow (even in
the case of a simple preservation "as it is") but in this case
and in this proposal, because of the "new old bridge", a wider
dismantling work is foreseen with an undoubtedly damage for the ancient
stones and for the ruins of the monument. For the above reason this
proposal should be adopted if it is absolutely necessary for structural
Excavation and provisional works to be held
To start the reconstruction
works, it is required either to dismantle portions of the ancient bridge
(as specified in the previous paragraphs), either to make excavations of
the abutments and to fix the ground with provisional works. This is needed
to allow the performing of all the strengthening operations without any
risk of collapsing of portions of the abutment.
These works may be not
finally defined even at this stage because they mostly depend on the type
of ground or masonry which is right behind the load bearing arch: in the
abutment. And they also depend on the amount of stones that have to be
dismantled: the more voussoirs (classification code: BS-A1) have to be
removed the more excavations have to be performed.
But two hypothesis have
been here next made: one follows proposal n°1 of the previous paragraph
(in which most of the voussoirs were left on place) and the second follows
proposal n°2 (in which all the stones were removed until the springer
level). Therefore it is always a matter of proposal 1 and 2.
In the next figure are
clearly represented both the excavations needed for the different
proposals: in the first case the ground of the abutment is not so height
as in the second, and for this reason may be easier to be performed
although in both cases it is required to do excavation following a step by
step procedure and going slowly from top to the bottom by fixing the
ground with scaffoldings and sheet piles that could bear the load of the
ground of the abutment.

fig.05 – The excavation
works foreseen for the two proposals
In the figure are also
represented with arrows and letters the thrusts of ground and of masonry
structures that may collapse due these excavation works. Of course special
load bearing scaffoldings should be erected to avoid any structural
problem during the works (General Engineering, anyhow, has no
responsibility for provisional works and followed methods to gain the
designed objectives).
The arch is supposed to be
borne and protected by the centering structure, while thrust C should be
faced with sheet piles and scaffoldings by the time the excavations reach
lower levels; thrust A and B are limited to the edges of the masonry but
have to be controlled by the use of provisional protections to avoid wide
damages and cracks along the abutments walls.
In the next figure is again
represented the amount of the excavation works in the different
hypothesis, but this time with the use of elevations. For a better
understanding of the adaptation works, have been added the limit lines of
interventions (which locate the stones that may left following proposal
As it can be easily
gathered from these sketches, the works next to the abutments are the most
important ones, (apart from foundations), for the future stability of the
arch, and at the same time they require care and attention on the
architectural side because these operations should be held inside the Old
Bridge and its abutments and should respect as much as possible the ruins
and their historical value.

fig.06 – The excavation
works foreseen for the two proposals and limit line of the intervention
Before any final
intervention may be planned it should be underlined the following:
- In any case it must be given priority to
the strengthening of the inner portions of the abutments mostly next
to the springers;
- In any case it can not be determined, at
this stage, which are all the provisional works that may be necessary
(for which General Engineering is not responsible);
- In any case some data are necessary to
work out conclusions related either to what’s behind the springers
either to the condition of the stones that we want to maintain.
What it can be underlined
is that too many things are by now not properly defined because of the
lack of data, and it may be not possible to know everything proceeding by
investigations: some of the design steps will have to be worked out during
the reconstruction works, although different hypothesis have been prepared
for any event.